In October 2017, the Millwood Community Association held a community meeting to get input about our residents’ most pressing needs. In addition, the MCA created a mail in survey during Covid for more input from more people. We tabulated results and created a Long Range Plan for action. Some projects are still in the idea phase and some are ongoing.

We are always looking for volunteers and committee members! Please hit the Volunteer button below and let us know of your interest.

  • Accessibility

  • Property Rehabilitation and Stabilization

    In order to save the historic nature of our Village, we need to stabilize each structure, one at a time. Paint, gutters, and some roofing can help to preserve a building and maintain property values.

  • Community Resource Center

    The Millwood Community Center would like to create a center for the research and display of the history. It could also be a center for local information about health, voting, government services.

  • Traffic Calming

    We are exploring ways to slow down speeding vehicles and limit the numbers that cut through Millwood each day. Currently, we are in the initial stages of engaging a traffic consultant to help design a simple, effective and visually appropriate traffic calming plan. We will develop the plan with community input and coordinate with the requirements of Board of Supervisors and VDOT.

    Our Traffic Calming Committee is now soliciting donations for a study phase of the the project. We appreciate and welcome all donations!

  • Parking

    We will work with the County on their Village Plan as a part of the Comprehensive Plan to ensure that there will be clear areas for parking during busy time.

  • Community Bulletin Board

    Bring a flyer to add to the news of the Village to our Bulletin Board next to the Post Office parking lot.

  • Community Garden

    Come volunteer at our Community Garden next to the Millwood Post Office. All produce goes to the Food Bank in Millwood.

  • Streetlights

    The Millwood Community Association pays the electricity bills for 8 streetlights in the Village.

  • Community Events

    Our Annual events help our neighbors get to know one another. See Events page for descriptions and click a button if you wish to volunteer.

  • Title Help

    The MCA is committed to help residents with a path toward clearing title to their properties.

  • Water and Sewer Assistance

    Our organization funds payment of water and sewer bills on an sliding scale basis.

  • Village Growth

    We plan to work with county officials, developers and business owners, to help keep the historic and unique nature of Millwood.

  • Long Range Plan

  • Newsletter

    We publish a newsletter three times a year that is full of information and stories about our Village community. Hit the Subscribe button on our Home Page to sign up for the digital or snail mail version.